ECHS Contribution Rates
For Detailed Information Brochure on ECHS, click on the link
The brochure needs updating with the following information:
A copy of the Central Organisation ECHS letter No B/49784/AG/ECHS dated 15 Jan 2005 is given below.
Please refer Corrigendum No 22(1)/01/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 01 Apr 2003 to GOI MOD letter No 22(1)/01/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 30 Dec 2002
Based on the GOI Min of Health and Family Welfare, Dept of Health
OM No. S-11011/6/98 CGHS(P) dated 20 Sep 04, a case has been submitted by the MOD and it has been decided at the appropriate level that with effect from
01 Apr 2004, the rates of the ECHS contribution will be as per the new slab given below:-
Existing slab | New slab | Contribution in Rs.
Pension/Family pension (Rs per month) | Revised pension/family pension(Uncommuted basic pension + Dearness pension) (Rs per month) | |
Upto Rs. 1500/- | Upto Rs. 3000/- | 1800/- |
Rs. 1501/- to Rs.3000/- | Rs. 3001/- to Rs. 6000/- | 4800/- |
Rs. 3001/- to Rs. 5000/- | Rs. 6001/- to Rs. 10,000/- | 8400/- |
Rs. 5001/- to Rs. 7500/- | Rs. 10,001/- to Rs. 15000/- | 12,000/- |
Rs. 7501/- and above | Rs. 15001/- and above | 18,000/- |
The ECHS subscription will be charged from the pensioners/dependents on the basis of their uncommuted basic pension plus Dearness Pension.
Refunds of excess remittance of ECHS subscription over and above the subscription paid should be made as per procedure mentioned at para 27 of CGDA’s ‘Most Important Circular’ No AT/IV/4807/ECHS dated 29 Oct 2003. Extract of the same as follows:-
“The refund of excess remittance of ECHS subscriptions over and above will be afforded by the concerned PCDA/CDA to the beneficiaries on receipt of a pre-receipted contingent bill duly countersigned by the ECHS authorities along with a xerox copy of the MRO.”
This has the concurrence of the MOD.
Wide publicity should be given to this letter.
Sd xxxxxxxx
(VK Dua)
Lt Gen (Retd)
Additional Note – Dearness Pension –
This term came into existence a few months ago, when the Government of India merged a major part of the Dearness Allowance, equal to 50% of the basic pay/ pension, in the pay of the serving government employees and pension of the retired personell. Dearness Pension is 50% of the basic uncommuted pension, which we started getting wef 01 Jan 1996 (or later if you retired after 01 Jan 1996). For example, the pension of a Brigadier as on 01 Jan 1966, was Rs 9,550.00, the Dearness Pension becomes Rs 4,775.00. Hence in this example the pension plus Dearness Pension = Rs 14,325.00. As per the earlier instructions, a Brigadier