Additional Gratuity for Pre-1996 Retirees
In pursuance of the Supreme Court Judgement, the Deptt of Pension & Pensioners Welfare, Govt of India, vide their O.M. No 45/86/97-P&PW(A) Pt I, dated 4.12.2004, the Pre-1996 Retirees have been made eligible for receiving additional Gratuity. All those pensioners who are eligible for this benefit may please apply to their respective departments, giving details eg. PPO No, date of retirement, bank details etc.
The Deptt of Pension & Pensioners Welfare O.M. referred above is reproduced below.
No 45/86/97-P&PW(A) Pt I, dated 4.12.2004.
Subject: Implementation of Govt decision on recommendation of the Vth CPC revision of provisions regulating pension.
1. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. even number dt 27th Oct 1997 on the above subject and to state that para Nos 4.3 & 6 of the above may please be substituted as under: -
Para 4.3. In case of all types of gratuity under Rules 49 and 50 of the CCS (pension) Rules, DA admissible on the date of Retirement/ death shall be treated as emoluments alongwith The Emoluments as defined in paragraph 4.1 above, accordingly Rule 50(5) of the Pension Rules shall stand modified to the effect that the emoluments for the purpose of gratuity admissible under this Rule shall be reckoned in accordance with Rule 33 and in addition D.A. admissible on the date of retirement/ death of the government employee shall be treated as emoluments.
Retirement/ Death gratuity
Para 6. The maximum limits for all kinds of gratuity under Rule 50 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, shall be Rs 3.5 lakh. Accordingly the first proviso of Rule 50(1)(b) of the CCS (Pension) Rules 1972, shall stand modified to effect that the amount of retirement/ death gratuity payable under this Rule shall in no case exceed Rs 3.5 lakh.”
Except for the above, the provisions of O.M. dt 27.10.97 stand.
2. These orders issue with the approval of Ministry of Finance Dept of Expenditure vide their U.O. No 648/E.V/2001 dt 29.10.2001.
1. No and Name of Pensioner
2. No and Name of deceased in case
of family pension
3. Rank of pensioner
4. Date of retirement
5. Record office (or CDA)
6. Original PPO Number
7. Latest Corrigendum PPO if any
8. Previous reference of correspondence if any
9. Postal address, email ID and tele number
10. Bankers through which pension is being received
At the time of my retirement I have been paid Gratuity only based on Basic Pay.
Additional Gratuity may please be paid to me for the DA being drawn by me at the time of my retirement, as admissible vide Government of India Letter
No 45/86/97 – P&PW(A) dated 04 Dec 2004.